Welcome Back Monday (Dental Designs)

Welcome Back Monday (Dental Designs)

by: Yaima Mejias

If you ask anyone how it feels to work on a Monday after a peaceful Sunday at home, that person would just crawl the walls and would give you the “DO NOT DISTURB” look. Our schedule is so tight up with the fact that, there are too many errands to run but, not so many accomplished in the to-do-list. Then, if you have to stop by the dentist, it becomes a challenge itself to overcome. At Dental Designs, not only we want to show you the royal dental benefits of a Monday with us but, the other bright side of the first day of work here.

Our Monday morning rituals in Dental Designs are blessed with a meeting that covers from A to Z, from left to right and up and down about our patients and their needs. But first, let me introduce our managers: Michelle, Zayda and Ariana. These three musketeers would make your dental life easier and much more simple to understand. There is always a purpose behind every word they say, and when we have goals and promises to meet, these ladies are all about it. The day flows with their spicy taste of administration and wisdom, tolerance and perseverance. Any kind joke is welcome by Michelle, maybe a flower for Ariana and some chocolates for Zayda would lift up their mood when the twist of a hard day falls into the middle of the week. Not to mention that, they have been working with us for many years and it obviously says a lot more than a number. When we start our Mondays, there is a clean atmosphere of commitment and consistency that brings efficiency and loyalty to the patients. 

Our internal lights turn on to make your dental treatment an outstanding ovation of smiles because you would be so happy to be here even if it is the first day of the week. Our doctors, dental staff and managers embrace the exact minute you enter into our doors and realize right there, we are what you have been looking for. They will definitively be by your side through the process of deciding what is the best option to choose according to your needs.

Mondays are welcoming partners that would elevate you if your eyes are aiming to the moment you want to build for the desired future. Start up your day with a cup of coffee, maybe a walk to activate your cells or just make sure you can be someone else’s hope. Do not wait until Friday to show off your best suit of kindness and make a decision that could change your life. There is an open invitation from us like a wedding to friends and family: Welcome to my place! Let’s share our passion. Check out what we have to offer and come ready, because when you open that door you will be amazingly surprised by our culture that exhales trust. I would leave you for few days with these words to let you know that from now on, Mondays will make you believe this:  

We are more than smiles!


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